Equipping & connecting the saints for the work of ministry to go into all the world & proclaim the Gospel.


"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you." Jeremiah 29:12

Prayer is our greatest mobilization strategy. Maybe God has placed a desire in your heart to pray for missionaries. God has a great plan to use you to help complete His mission of making His name known among the nations as you participate through prayer. Use these even points to fuel your prayers for missionaries around the world.

Pray for open doors
Pray for boldness
Pray for protection
Pray for the Gospel to spread and be received


"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14

The gospel will be preached to all the ethnic peoples or people groups of the world. As we take a look at the current status of this task, we see that all people are equally lost without Jesus, but all people do not have equal access to the message of saving faith through Jesus.

Outreach at Ridgecrest is all about equipping and mobilizing people to make disciples of those in physical and spiritual need in the Wiregrass community and across the world.


Local Mission Partners

Following Acts 1:8, we seek to impact Dothan and the Wiregrass area. We partner with several local ministries and community outreach organizations. It is a joy to help provide for the physical needs of the community as well as their eternal needs.

National Mission Partners

In 3 John 5-8, the Bible calls us to care for those called and sent as workers for the Truth. Our desire is to care for our partners by praying for them – giving to their needs – and going to them as co-laborers for the Gospel.

International Partners

Acts 1:8 also commands us to be a witness to the ends of the earth. We help meet that need through several partners around the globe. With the support given to these organizations, we are sending the good news of Christ to people groups worldwide in their language and within their own culture.

Mission Journeys

November 1-12, 2024

This trip has been temporarily postponed.

Team leader: Chuck Locke
Approx. cost: $3500
Team size: 8

Prayer and Care

How Can We Pray For You?

At Ridgecrest Baptist Church, we are committed to using the Word of God and the undeniable power of prayer to bring comfort and encouragement. If you are facing a situation in your life that you would like someone to agree with you in prayer about, know that we are here for you!

We consider it a privilege to agree with you and lift you up in prayer, interceding before the throne of Grace for your needs, calling on the power of our awesome God to heal, comfort, and encourage.

Pray With Us On Sunday

Each Sunday our War Room is engaged in praying over our pastor, our music ministry, our church body, our country and other needs that are brought to light as we let the Holy Spirit lead us.  We believe that fervent prayer before God during all parts of service are an act of obedience and worship.  You too can join the War Room team.

"We Care" Ministry

"We Care" is a visitation ministry to our shut-ins. Whether they are still living at home or in a nursing home, our team of volunteers visits each month. Not only does our team pray with them but it is our goal to encourage them in their walk with Christ.

Better Together

The Better Together Ministry here at Ridgecrest is a ministry to our widows and widowers. We have three gatherings a year where we provide a meal, a time of worship, a special guest speaker or entertainment and give away lots of door prizes.

Hospital Visitation

Our ministry staff makes regular visits to the hospital to visit any members who are hospitalized or others we are asked to visit who may be related to members or friends of members. We have a time of prayer and offer encouragement to these patients. If you or a loved one are hospitalized please make sure you contact our church office so we can get you on our list to ensure you get visited.

Prayer Requests


Mission Partnership in Utah

We've partnered with Awaken City Church and Mosaic Church in Utah.

Click the link below to check out Journey of Grace, a ministry focused on reaching and discipling Latter Day Saints with the truth of Jesus and the Bible.


Chuck Locke

Executive Pastor: Pastoral Care & Missions