Summer Reading List

Thomas a Kempis, Christian leader whose books have led many to a deeper pursuit and understanding of God said, “If thou desire to profit, read with humility, simplicity, and faithfulness…” Paul writing to Timothy said, “When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.” (2 Timothy 4:13) Of that passage, Charles Spurgeon wrote… “Paul was inspired, and yet he wants books!
He had been preaching for thirty years, and yet he wants books!

He had seen the Lord, and yet he wants books!
He had a wider experience than most men do, and yet he wants books!
He had been caught up into the third heaven, and had heard things that it was not lawful for a man to utter, and yet he wants books!
He had written a major part of the New Testament, and yet he wants books!”

In just a few weeks, as is my custom, I’ll take the month of July off to refresh, study, relax, and seek God’s wisdom for our church and much of my preaching for the coming year. A significant part of that time will be spent in reading the scripture and books. I hope you’ll also take time this summer to grow, learn, and be inspired by reading. To help you with that process let me suggest a summer reading list if you’re wondering where to start.

  • The Bible… it goes without saying, but the Bible must be first on your list of reading. Each July I try to work through at least one book of scripture. I start my day with scripture. No book should take the place of reading scripture.
  • Right Thinking For A Culture In Chaos… by John MacArthur and Nathan Busenitz. This book will help you understand the dynamics behind what’s happening in your culture and how to develop a biblical response and worldview.
  • Double Anointing… by R.T. Kendall. I love the writing and Bible teaching of Kendall. He has the capacity of taking scripture and making it profoundly meaningful. In this book he studies the life of Elisha, pointing out practical spiritual lessons for our walk with God.
  • Is The End Near?... by Michael Youssef. Another gifted bible teacher and communicator. This book deals with recognizing and living for Christ as the end of the age approaches. It is instructive, interpretive, and practical for those interested in understanding and knowing more about the return of Christ and His timing.
  • Fire In His Bones… By David Wilkerson. This is a book of excerpts from what his son considers were his 50 most powerful sermons preached. I like Wilkerson, I believe he was a modern-day prophet, which makes his writing/preaching sobering and convicting.
  • The Mediterranean Sea Rules… by Robert Morgan. Morgan is a friend of Ridgecrest and has joined us a couple of times during Awesome August over the years. This book is composed of 10 biblical lessons that will help you get through the storms of life.
  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry… by John Mark Comer. This book has been greatly received particularly by those in ministry. But its content is not at all limited to those in ministry. If you feel like your life is moving at an uncontrollable pace, this book is for you. It’s practical, biblical and frankly just plain helpful.
  • No Reason to Hide… by Erwin Lutzer. Lutzer is another of my favorite authors. In this book he deals with some of the crisis issues facing our world and encourages Christians to stand strong in their faith. Of this book H.B. Charles said, “There are few voices in our day that are as clear and courageous as Lutzer’s.”
  • Fiction Works?... Sorry, find your own in this category. I don’t read much fiction, though there are some fiction writers that I occasionally enjoy… Randy Alcorn, Randy Singer, and Joel Rosenberg, to name a few.

Happy reading! And remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!!!

For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray

Image credit: Unsplash
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