November 14th, 2024
by Ray Jones
by Ray Jones
Critical thinking and criticism are two entirely different things. Critical thinking is the ability to think deeply about ideas, philosophy, worldviews, and particularly matters of Christian faith and scripture. On the other hand, criticism is rarely critical thinking but is instead mostly characterized by fault finding, arguing, attacking, opposing, and a generally contrarian approach, though there is certainly a time when criticism is necessary.
In this culture criticism abounds, not critical thinking. In fact, we are woefully incompetent at critical thinking. For example, the lack of critical thinking is why there has developed absurd and accepted ideas like gender confusion-- leading to men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms, as well as things like pronoun dysfunction as in how a person should be identified… “are they a him, a her, an it, a they, a them, etc.” This is all emotionally generated and it is logically absurd thinking that defies clear biology, clear DNA, and the common-sense natural order of things. To point out its absurdity is to be vilified and criticized as out of touch with humanity, insensitive, and lacking compassion. But what is really lacking here is the inability to think critically about the obvious.
After the recent presidential election, a number of academic institutions like the University of Michigan demonstrated the lost art of critical thinking by providing designated areas (in Michigan’s case) with Lego stations, coloring books and crayons, hot coco and cookies to help students cope with the election of Donald Trump. Other institutions have offered students and employees grief counseling to get them through their “trauma.” It’s the theatre of the absurd! Instead of teaching students and the culture how to think rationally and how to evaluate things deeply it has instead substituted a worldview that is based purely on feelings and emotions. Subsequently, when it doesn’t get its way, it is quick to criticize and blame everything and everyone else rather than honestly and critically analyze the cause and effect.
But, for a moment let me also remind us that Christians are not immune from absurd and irrational thinking. If we are not steeped in the scripture, we can easily be duped by the spirit of the age and adopt a kind of emotional worldview that masquerades as spiritual but lacks serious critical and biblical thinking. I am reminded of a humorous story by Charles Swindoll that illustrates the point. He writes, “Several months ago I was conversing with a man I greatly admire. He is a Christian leader in a position that carries with it heavy and extensive responsibility. He said he was grieved on behalf of a missionary family he and his wife had known for years. the legalism they had encountered again and again on the mission field from fellow missionaries was so petty, so unbelievably small-minded, they had returned to the states and no longer planned to remain career missionaries. He said it was over a jar of peanut butter. I thought he was joking, to which he responded, ‘No, it’s no joke at all.’ I could hardly believe the story. The particular place they were sent to serve the Lord did not have access to peanut butter. This particular family happened to enjoy peanut butter a great deal. Rather creatively, they made arrangements with some of their friend in the States to send them peanut butter every now and then so they could enjoy it with their meals. The problem is they didn’t know until they started receiving their supply of peanut butter that the other missionaries considered it a mark of spirituality that you not have peanut butter with your meals. I suppose the line went something like this: ‘We believe since we can’t get peanut butter here, we should give it up for the cause of Christ,’ or some such nonsense. [To them] a basis of spirituality was ‘bearing the cross’ of living without peanut butter.”
Do you see it? Pharisaism doesn’t make you a spiritual critical thinker, it just makes you a critic. Now more than ever it is time for a new generation of men and women whose worldview is Biblical, who think deeply, and who recognize the absurdity of emotionalism without The truth. As Solomon wrote… “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
Remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
In this culture criticism abounds, not critical thinking. In fact, we are woefully incompetent at critical thinking. For example, the lack of critical thinking is why there has developed absurd and accepted ideas like gender confusion-- leading to men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms, as well as things like pronoun dysfunction as in how a person should be identified… “are they a him, a her, an it, a they, a them, etc.” This is all emotionally generated and it is logically absurd thinking that defies clear biology, clear DNA, and the common-sense natural order of things. To point out its absurdity is to be vilified and criticized as out of touch with humanity, insensitive, and lacking compassion. But what is really lacking here is the inability to think critically about the obvious.
After the recent presidential election, a number of academic institutions like the University of Michigan demonstrated the lost art of critical thinking by providing designated areas (in Michigan’s case) with Lego stations, coloring books and crayons, hot coco and cookies to help students cope with the election of Donald Trump. Other institutions have offered students and employees grief counseling to get them through their “trauma.” It’s the theatre of the absurd! Instead of teaching students and the culture how to think rationally and how to evaluate things deeply it has instead substituted a worldview that is based purely on feelings and emotions. Subsequently, when it doesn’t get its way, it is quick to criticize and blame everything and everyone else rather than honestly and critically analyze the cause and effect.
But, for a moment let me also remind us that Christians are not immune from absurd and irrational thinking. If we are not steeped in the scripture, we can easily be duped by the spirit of the age and adopt a kind of emotional worldview that masquerades as spiritual but lacks serious critical and biblical thinking. I am reminded of a humorous story by Charles Swindoll that illustrates the point. He writes, “Several months ago I was conversing with a man I greatly admire. He is a Christian leader in a position that carries with it heavy and extensive responsibility. He said he was grieved on behalf of a missionary family he and his wife had known for years. the legalism they had encountered again and again on the mission field from fellow missionaries was so petty, so unbelievably small-minded, they had returned to the states and no longer planned to remain career missionaries. He said it was over a jar of peanut butter. I thought he was joking, to which he responded, ‘No, it’s no joke at all.’ I could hardly believe the story. The particular place they were sent to serve the Lord did not have access to peanut butter. This particular family happened to enjoy peanut butter a great deal. Rather creatively, they made arrangements with some of their friend in the States to send them peanut butter every now and then so they could enjoy it with their meals. The problem is they didn’t know until they started receiving their supply of peanut butter that the other missionaries considered it a mark of spirituality that you not have peanut butter with your meals. I suppose the line went something like this: ‘We believe since we can’t get peanut butter here, we should give it up for the cause of Christ,’ or some such nonsense. [To them] a basis of spirituality was ‘bearing the cross’ of living without peanut butter.”
Do you see it? Pharisaism doesn’t make you a spiritual critical thinker, it just makes you a critic. Now more than ever it is time for a new generation of men and women whose worldview is Biblical, who think deeply, and who recognize the absurdity of emotionalism without The truth. As Solomon wrote… “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
Remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!
For God’s Glory Alone,
Pastor Ray
Posted in Shepherd Talk
Practice Spiritual AbandonmentThree Peace NeedsThe Gift Of PeaceRemarkable Peace With GodReliable Peace With GodWhat Is A Vet?The Lust For MoneyThe Root Of All Evil?Loss That Comes From MoneyThe Letdown Of MoneyThe Layup Of MoneyCritical Thinking vs CriticismThe Need To Seek GodWhat Are You Grateful For?Planned Obsolescence
1 Comment
Thank you for your column last week “What is a Vet?” I wish everyone could read it, especially our younger generation!