Deacon Nominations

I read about a Preacher who was made aware that he had a Deacon in his church who was from time to time known to cuss. In his attempt to help the Deacon overcome this terrible habit, the Preacher decided he should spend some personal time with the Deacon so they could have a long talk about the problem. The Preacher decided to ask the Deacon to go fishin’ thinking that might provide an opportunity to talk. They were out in a boat and had their lines in the water when the Preacher hooked a big one. It put up a mighty fight, but finally he reeled the fish up to the edge of the boat. It was the biggest fish the preacher had ever caught. But, just as the minister started to pull his catch into the boat, the fish slipped off the hook and got away. Thoroughly disgusted, the Preacher looked over and said, “Deacon, somethin’ needs to be said here!”

Well, that is probably not the kind of support preachers need, but they do need deacons in the “boat” with them. For the past twenty-three and half years, our church and I as pastor have had the good fortune to have some of the finest deacons possible to help us do the work of God. I am so grateful for them, for their commitment to the Lord and to the message of the gospel. Our deacons are not administrators of the church as is the case in some places, rather they are servants as the biblical word denotes.

All that leads me to say, it is that time of year when we begin receiving deacon nominations for the year ahead. Nominating forms are located at the Welcome Center and in the foyer. The nomination process will continue into August. Each year 12 men rotate off our existing board and 12 are elected as replacements from those who are nominated. Nomination forms explain both the qualifications needed for candidates and the process of being elected. I want to urge you to prayerfully consider qualified candidates to nominate for a three-year term. Remember before you nominate, be sure and ask your potential candidate if they are willing to be nominated.

Speaking of deacons, I want to remind you that next week we will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper in both of our morning services. The supper will be a bit more formal with our deacon’s serving our congregation. The supper is one of the two significant ordinances of the Church given to us by Christ Himself and is an important means by which we honor Him and identify ourselves as His people… don’t miss it!

It has been an interesting and challenging week and a half! I took a significant fall on my last day in Indianapolis, as a result, I injured my foot, injured my knee, aggravated my back, bruised my arms, scrapped both knees and ankles, hobbled through airports and finally got home only to test positive for COVID! And being the giver that I am, I gave COVID to Alison. But other than that, the week was uneventful! None the less, by the goodness and grace of God, I am still standing!!!!  We both believe we’ve faced a bit of spiritual adversity during this time. In part because of the importance of the message that I’ll be sharing with you today that was given to me from the Lord on Becoming a Man of God—On Purpose. But don’t assume that this message is for men only. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these truths do not apply to you. The fact is, they work for us all, male or female, so tune in, take notes, and ask the Lord to speak to your heart. And remember, God is always trying to take you someplace new. I love being your Pastor!

For God’s Glory Alone,

Pastor Ray

Image credit: Unsplash
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1 Comment

Linda Precise - June 20th, 2024 at 5:23pm

Praying for you. I too, feel you are in spiritual warfare because of several of your recent messages. Keep preaching the truth and know that many of us are continually praying for you and Alison and your entire family! Love you and thank God for sending you to Ridgecrest! 🙏🙏🙏



